As the semester begins, we want to remind you of the importance of completing SneezSafe daily. Symptom monitoring and daily screenings were a huge part of what allowed us to remain on campus in the fall. If you haven’t already, please resume using SneezSafe daily. 

Below are a few SneezSafe tips and updates that will help you as you begin this process again:

Missing the Daily Text Reminders or Email Reminders?

If you are not receiving daily text or email reminder messages, you need to complete this simple Google Form. You should also fill out the form if you have never had reminders turned on, but would like to start them. 

Daily Survey Questions Look Different?

As a reminder, you must complete the SneezSafe Wellness Survey every day. Some of the survey questions and answers have changed; read the questions carefully to ensure you are providing accurate responses. You can find more information regarding these changes here.

Have Questions about SneezSafe?

For assistance, please email The SneezSafe Team will assist you with daily reminders and registration issues.

Please note that neither Student Health Service, the COVID Compliance office, nor the Call Center are able to answer questions regarding your SneezSafe profile.
